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Plain Vanilla strikes while QuizUp is hot, raising $22 million

Trivia quiz app prepared for a big 2014
Plain Vanilla strikes while QuizUp is hot, raising $22 million
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Dec 26, 2013 investment Plain Vanilla Sequoia Capital $22m

Despite raising $2 million a mere month ago, Icelandic developer Plain Vanilla has added to its cash pile.

It's closed an additional $22 million from its existing investors, with Sequoia Capital leading the round.

This brings the company's total investment to more than $27 million.

Of course, the reason for this activity is the success of its trivia iPhone game QuizUp.

It's been a top 5 app in the US since its November release, with the company quoting "more than 5 million players".

Spread your wings

Plain Vanilla says it will use the cash to expand to new platforms, with iPad and Android versions expected to be released in early 2014.

The currently English-only game will gain support for additional languages, while the developer will also look to add content and features.

"We built social elements like messages and discussions into the social trivia network from the beginning because we wanted to help people connect over shared interests," said Plain Vanilla CEO Thor Fridriksson.

"But we've been blown away by the number of people who are already creating communities in QuizUp to discuss and debate their passions."

Building a community

In terms of engagement, Plain Vanilla says that users are spending 30 minutes in the app daily, while over 11 million messages have been exchanged between players, plus 2.3 million posts on the game's 280 discussion boards (one per topic).

"The level of engagement in QuizUp is stunning," said Roelof Botha, Sequoia Capital partner.

"Thor and his team struck the perfect balance of human interaction and gameplay to create an experience that is resonating with millions of gamers around the world. We're thrilled to support Plain Vanilla's continued growth and can't wait for all that's to come in the new year."