

  • Region: North America
  • Event Type: Conference
  • Audience Type: Consumers
  • Find out more information on Mysterium 2014

In 2000, a group of Myst fans decided to organize a meet-up in Spokane, Washington, home of Cyan Worlds, Inc. What was initially planned as an informal gathering ultimately ballooned into a weekend-long event attended by over 200 people, with t-shirts, a catered lunch, and a tour of Cyan Worlds headquarters.

Since then, Mysterium has traveled the country, visiting almost a dozen cities, and returning to Spokane periodically with Cyan Worlds as a gracious co-host. Now in its second decade, Mysterium has become a community tradition, and a sort of annual reunion. Whether you played Myst once a long time ago, just recently found it on iOS, or are a years-long dedicated fan, we welcome you to attend, and hope to see you there!

Mysterium is financially supported by donations, merchandise proceeds and registration fees.

How to get to Mysterium 2014