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Rumours fly that Tira Wireless has bitten the dust

Porting technology not so lucrative after all
Rumours fly that Tira Wireless has bitten the dust

Porting technology firm Tira Wireless appears to have closed down, with both Mobile Games Blog and MocoNews reporting that the firm has closed down.

The company's website is currently offline - something that happened over the weekend - and its PR agency is no longer working for it, so it seems the company has indeed bitten the dust.

Tira started life as a mobile games publisher, then moved into the technology side with its Jump platform, which aimed to automate the process of porting mobile games to thousands of handsets.

Although the company claimed to have more than 100 customers worldwide in 2007, it seems the porting business wasn't as lucrative as expected - possibly due to the consolidation of the mobile games market.

Mobile Games Blog says some Tira execs have already regrouped as a new firm, Five Mobile, focused on application development for smartphones.


Tira Wireless