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Trism creator earns $250,000

As close as we can figure, that's 1,022 copies sold every day!
Trism creator earns $250,000

According to a Twitter blog post, Trism creator Steve Detemer announced at a venture capital conference that he'd made an impressive US$250,000 from his iPhone game since July.

One of the most popular games on the App Store, Detemer's gravity-based puzzler is now more of an incentive for iPhone game developers to turn out quality games; especially considering Trism is only a mid-priced game, with some titles weighing in at twice what Detemer is charging. Let's fire up the calculator app on the iPhone, shall we?

Apple takes a 30 per cent cut of commercial applications, bringing the total the game has taken to around US$357,143 (give or take). The US price for Trism is US$4.99, meaning he's peddled about 71,572 copies through the App Store, which, assuming the game went on sale around July 11th, that's 1,022 sales of Trism per day! Good golly, Miss Molly.

I don't know about you, but I'm learning to program for the iPhone this weekend. I'm sick of being a bloody pauper. See you in the millionaire's mansion.