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O2 UK launches 100% Mobile off-deck games portal

Pocket Gamer is along for the ride
O2 UK launches 100% Mobile off-deck games portal

Telefonica subsidiary O2 UK has become the first operator to sign up for Player X's '100% Mobile' off-deck mobile games portal.

It launched last month with more than 100 games available, and flexible pricing including free demos and pay-per-play billing.

Player X claims that more than 10,000 demos have already been downloaded, although the company hasn't said what conversion rates it's seeing.

However, the most popular pricing option with users is apparently the 50p daily rate, which has boosted uptake of some games by more than 50 per cent.

Player X is managing the service, which nestles within O2's own O2 Active portal. The operator will be promoting 100% Mobile with in-store and online marketing this side of Christmas.

Swedish firm Accumulate is handling the billing, while - disclosure alert - parent company Steel Media is supplying the editorial content, including reviews from our sister site Pocket Gamer.

"The flexible retailing environment gives our customers a far more rewarding gaming experience than is available anywhere else in the marketplace today," says O2 UK's head of games Joe Haselden - presumably including his own portal in that.

"Users can purchase games using the pricing model they feel most comfortable with, which encourages our customers to become far more engaged with the whole gaming experience from within a trusted environment."