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Apple developer’s contract tightens control

Devs must agree not to jailbreak or sell outside the App Store
Apple developer’s contract tightens control

We took a look at the new iPhone developer’s contract just the other week, when it came to light that it includes a potentially crippling 90-day returns policy for users.

A new draft (as reproduced by ars technica) of the contract now aims to reduce the bane of Apple’s existence, jailbreaking, from within. Developers must now agree to not only avoid all forms of software that could be used to circumvent the iPhone’s security system, but must agree to only sell their apps through the App Store.

The new clause, restricting software distribution to the App Store, is as follows:

  • (f) Applications developed using the Apple Software may only be distributed if selected by Apple (in its sole discretion) for distribution via the App Store or for limited distribution on Registered Devices (ad hoc distribution) as contemplated in this Agreement.

Presumably this has been instigated due to Cydia’s announcement that it intends to begin selling iPhone applications independently, though the impact of such a restriction probably isn’t quite as excessive as it would be on other platforms purely thanks to the massive iPhone and iPod touch install base.

It’s still not an ideal scenario for developers, as Nintendo learnt at its peril back in the '80s when it attempted similar, ham-fisted control over the NES, but for now Apple is determined to fortify its position as the iPhone’s gatekeeper.