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Reaktion game created specifically for Blackberry Storm

RIM’s criticised handset gets some developer love
Reaktion game created specifically for Blackberry Storm

The Blackberry Storm met with both affection and loathing when it was released as RIM’s answer to the iPhone, with the company’s CEO Mike Lazaridis recently admitting that mistakes were made with its first touchscreen handset.

But it would appear the Blackberry App World has encouraged game developers to take a renewed interest in the device that, to be fair, has still shifted a fair number of units (even if a significant portion have since been returned).

E-COMM Corporation has designed and released Reaktion specifically for the Storm.

“We decided to release our first “Gadget” application targeted at the mobile games marketplace due to the market’s tremendous potential”, states E-COMM General Manager, John Stark.

“We see that Research In Motion’s recently released Blackberry Storm phone as opening a new game marketplace opportunity as a result of the release of this new technology from RIM. The mobile games marketplace not only presents a large business opportunity, but a marketplace in which the innovations in mobile phone handset technology create new generations of mobile game players and market opportunities.”

The game makes use of the Storm’s large touchscreen interface, which other Blackberry handsets lack. A second touchscreen device is apparently in development at RIM right now, so this could mark the beginning of a niche range of Blackberry touchscreen games.