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SGN’s Randy Breen: In-app purchases let players pay for what they value

All future SGN games will adopt model
SGN’s Randy Breen: In-app purchases let players pay for what they value

SGN (Social Gaming Network) was one of the first publishers to make a success out of the App Store.

Earlier in the year, it estimated its apps had been downloaded onto around a third of iDevices, and since July, its hardcore flight sim F.A.S.T. has done over a million paid downloads.

It's been fairly quiet of late: but recently sprung back into life thanks to the availability of the in-app purchase business model.

It's announced a free version of F.A.S.T. that will be backed with virtual goods, and a new WWII multiplayer combat sim called Skies of Glory is also on the way.

It too will be completely free, supported purely by the sale of in-app items.

It's the perfect time then to catch up with COO Randy Breen and find out how the company will be approaching this opportunity.

Pocket Gamer: How important do you think in-app purchases will be for iPhone games?

Randy Breen: In-app purchasing is a real game changer. It allows us to open up a game to a larger audience, and that larger audience becomes a community.

We still see the non-paying player as an important part of the game however. They provide a huge value of the game, as the portion of gamers who pay-to-play benefit from the participation of those who don't.

What proportion and what type of players do you expect to buy virtual items?

The proportion of players who will buy items is a direct function of how invested in the game the player is. This motivates us as game developers to make a game that is immersive and fun.

The sort of player who will buy virtual objects is one who's invested emotionally in the game, and so sees value in investing financially. I think most players recognise that good games cost money to make.

What price range do you think work best?

It's very flexible. We want to make game experiences that are great if you're paying nothing. However, a deeper experience becomes available when you pay. We see prices ranging from 99c to $49.99, but the play value has to match what the player is willing to play.

Is there anything Apple could do to encourage more use of in-app purchases?

It would be great if the App Store featured specific in-app purchases for games, as well as the games themselves, and it would help if Apple allowed micros-transactions of less than 99c.

Do you expect to be implementing in-app purchases in your future games?

We are planning to implement in-app purchases in all our games, but I wouldn't rule out an exception.

In-app purchases are a very player friendly way for people to pay for what they value, but be able to check out games. It's a very good model for the player.

Thanks to Randy for his time.

Skies of Glory and the free version of F.A.S.T. are due to be released before the end of 2009.