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GDC 2010: Fragmentation is perfect for us says HandyGames' Kassulke

Power to the publisher
GDC 2010: Fragmentation is perfect for us says HandyGames' Kassulke

"The amount of fragmentation in the mobile market is madness. It's the perfect playground for us," chuckles Christopher Kassulke, CEO of HandyGames.

With the number of handsets, OS platforms and app stores growing apace, the head of the German mobile publisher, aggregator and developer reckons he's in a prime position to exploit the opportunities.

For one thing, the company's strong internal technology eases the issues of developing and porting between Java, Brew, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Symbian, Palm and Windows Mobile.

Concentrating development in its German headquarters also helps in terms of ensuring it can react quickly to requests to optimise games for different devices, operators and territories.

"You only win if you're fast," he comments.

Brave new markets

But it's device fragmentation combined with a similar infection now creeping across app stores that Kassulke is really enjoying.

In such an environment, he says HandyGames' experience in dealing directly with operators and handset manufacturers makes it a go-to company.

For example, it recently shipped two embedded Wii-style camera games for Sony Ericsson handsets using GestureTek's camera control engine.

One OEM came to HandyGames to fill a hole in its games catalog when another company dropped out at the last minute.

New ways to sell

Still, the speed at which things are changing means HandyGames is also experimenting with what works in terms of business models and types of games. It recently launched its first freemium games with in-app purchases on the App Store, as well as ad-supported titles.

One thing Kassulke certainly isn't keen on however is the movement of the entire iPhone business to free.

"Now is not the time to kill the cow. Now is the time to milk the cow," he says.

"Price is the way every other market informs consumers about the quality of their products. We need to find a way to combine the paid-for mobile model with the free internet model."