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Quality index's top-reviewed iPhone games of the week

Stick Golf, Mushihimesama Bug Panic, and Silverfish
Quality index's top-reviewed iPhone games of the week

Hello, readers!

Here’s your weekly iPhone Quality index (Qi) games round-up, delivered every Friday on these illustrious pages.

Launched in beta by Steel Media, publisher of PocketGamer.bizQi trawls the web for game and app reviews from the world’s most respected online and print sources.

Qi then applies its own magic formula to each site (such as 148Apps, Macworld, IGN, Gamezebo, and TiPB) to establish a single definitive Qi score for each iPhone app and game.

Tee for one

Driving straight (and true) onto the Qi links as the #1 ranked game this week, Noodlecake’s chipping maestro Stick Golf has shot review rounds of 9 and 10 for an exceptional clubhouse Qi score of 9.4.

Don’t be fooled by the Ryder Cup exterior, though, since this highly addictive title prioritises platforming and physics prowess over putting precision.

NoDPad summed up Stick Golf’s appeal perfectly like any well-trained PGA commentator should, describing the title as “incredibly simple, insanely easy to play, and yet excruciatingly difficult to master.”

Bullet time

Cave’s latest bullet-hell extravaganza Mushy - sorry, Muhsihi - sorry, Mushihimesama Bug Panic only smashed onto iPhone a couple of days ago, yet already has Qi’s top spot firmly in its sights.

The reigning king of the shmup genre has unleashed another sure-fire hit on iOS, generating a 9.1 average from four reviews, including a perfect 10 from Slide to Play.

Overflowing with praise in its Pros column for Mushihimesama, Slide to Play listed not one but six positive features for Cave’s panicky twin-stick shooter: “Extremely polished gameplay; hugely challenging; fantastic music; fun boss fights; creative control scheme; lots of levels and bonus modes.”

Silver lining

Sharing more than just a prized berth on Qi’s Top 10 rundown with Cave’s abovementioned shoot-'em-up, Chaotic Box’s Silverfish likewise invites you to weave a path through swarms of menacing bugs.

Multipliers, leaderboards, achievements, AND a thumping soundtrack represent sufficient reasons to replay this game over and over again, while an impressive 8.5 Qi rating should be motivation enough to purchase in the first place.

You can get the up-to-date information about which games are reviewing best over at the Quality index.