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Following a successful first round, Gamefounders looks for its next batch of mobile gaming start ups

Head to Estonia for business acceleration
Following a successful first round, Gamefounders looks for its next batch of mobile gaming start ups

The deadline for the second intake from Estonian incubator and accelerator Gamefounders is fast approaching.

There's no geographical restriction in terms of where companies are based in order to submit an application, although the program involves the start ups moving to Tallinn for three months.

The deadline for applications - which should involve companies with beta software - is 7 December, with the second program kicking off in March 2013.

How it works

Applications must be based around games, gamified apps, or tools and platforms, with mobile games the current focus.

Selected companies receive up to €15,000 (€5,000 per founder moving to Estonia for the period) to fund the three month period.

Gamefounders provides office space in a new incubation building, strong mentoring, access to tools and partnership deals, as well as helping companies find further financing.

For this, it takes a 9 percent equity share in the companies it works with.

On the road

Applications for the initial round saw over 40 submissions from 26 countries, with six projects - from Argentina, Italy, Holland, Lithuania, Estonia and Hungary - being accepted.

These companies are now completing their final round of pitches to investors in Estonia, Helsinki, Paris and San Francisco, with two already receiving strong interest.

You can find full details of the application process and how it works at the Gamefounders' website.