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Papaya's Chris Hanage explains AppFlood, its pure non-incentivised cross-promotion Android game network

A new approach
Papaya's Chris Hanage explains AppFlood, its pure non-incentivised cross-promotion Android game network

It's a measure of how vital user acquisition currently is to the mobile games industry that Android social network PapayaMobile has thrown its hat into the ring.

It's just launched AppFlood, a download exchange network for Android games that in its purist form is free to use for all developers.

Indeed, according to UK GM Chris Hanage, purity is the point.

"We can take a purer and simpler approach because our business relies on our Social SDK monetisation," he explains.

"Developers don't have to use other Papaya products in order to use AppFlood."

No slice and dice

Equally, while publishers who want to spend money within AppFlood to acquire users can do so, Papaya won't take any slice of that revenue, which will 100 percent go the developers providing those installs.

Also, developers who join AppFlood now will be rewarded with 1,000 installs to spend within the system. They will then build up more as the AppFlood adverts (banners, interstitials, more game walls) in their titles generate more installs.

But that's not the end of the purity.

Because there's no incentives involved in the downloads - as with Chartboost but unlike Tapjoy and Flurry - Hanage argues their quality will be much higher.

The reasoning is that players won't be downloading games just to get virtual currency in the games they are already playing. They're much more likely to be genuinely interested in new content.

After all, in the words of Bing Gordon, 'This is the most promiscuous app audience in history'.

Mutually inclusive

The result is what Hanage describes as a premium (i.e. non-incentivised) cross-promotion network.

And it's one that developers can run alongside their existing networks.

"This is not ad replacement," he says. "It's another way to get users and can run alongside other incentivised approaches if that's what the developer want to do."

This flexibility is maintained with developers having control over what content is promoted in their games (at least on a per publisher or developer basis).

"Developers can also create their own small networks of like minded companies," Hanage points out. "It's a busy market, but we want to provide flexibility. We genuinely want to help developers."

If you want to know more, check out the AppFlood website for more details.