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Gamevil downloads top 100 million across iOS and Android

Up 50 million in 6 months
Gamevil downloads top 100 million across iOS and Android

South Korean publisher Gamevil has announced it's surpassed 100 million cumulative downloads across smartphone platforms.

The new benchmark comes little over six months since total downloads at the publisher passed the 50 million mark, pegging the firm's monthly figure at around the 8.3 million mark.

Spreading the base

"Reaching 100 million downloads is a landmark for any mobile gaming company and we are so thankful to have such a strong fan base that has followed us through our multiple titles," said VP and head of Gamevil USA Kyu Lee.

"We look forward to another successful year as we work hard to release new games that are fun, challenging and entertaining."

Gamevil claims its six month download surge is thanks to its "internal flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to the ever changing mobile market", with franchises such as Zenonia, Cartoon Wars, Baseball Superstars and Air Penguin cited as key drivers.

Much attention is also being focused on the firm's $10 million strong development fund, designed to up the rate of games the publisher pushes out.

Gamevil posted record revenues of $36.7 million in 2011, up 39 percent from the previous year. The company also expects to release a total of 40 games across iOS and Android throughout the course of 2012.