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2012 in review: on mobile's big year

The ultimate summary
2012 in review: on mobile's big year

As 2012 sails off into the distance that party you woke up from with a pounding head the other week was, in fact, for New Year so has been beavering away on articles aplenty that sum up the last 12 months in mobile gaming.

And what a 12 months it was. 

You may have already seen us give our take on the most important games of 2012, the biggest stories, the most revealing quotes and, believe it or not, the best beard.

It's possible, however, that you may have missed one or two of our look backs, making the list below a summary of all our 2012 pieces to date rather handy.

Keep your eye out, too: There are yet more 2012 features to come.

The list's Year That Was: The ultimate summary of 2012

The 10 most popular stories of 2012

The top 10 quotes of the year: Snippets from the most important interviews carried on the site in 2012

Chat attack: The top 5 conference talks of the year

The 54 lessons learned from events throughout 2012: Your one stop shop for every nugget of wisdom we took away from the big conferences

The 10 most significant mobile games of 2012

The best and worst performing shares of 2012

The PocketGamer.Biz Offbeat Awards 2012: The most important article carried on the site all year (at least internally), featuring the industry's best dressed, top tweeter, most shameless clone and biggest letdown

And finally...

If you've already had enough of 2012 and think 2013 will be your year, check out our article on what trends to look out during the next 12 months.