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GameStick ends Kickstarter as backers smash funding target six times over

Tops total with ease
GameStick ends Kickstarter as backers smash funding target six times over

Android unconsole GameStick has ended its run on Kickstarter with a funding total of almost $650,000, smashing the device's original target of $100,000 with ease.

GameStick, which combines a dual-stick controller with a USB-sized stick that plugs into a television's HDMI slot, is the product of UK outfit PlayJam.

It also actually preceded many of the similar Android-based devices Project Shield et al that have stolen the headlines of late.

Just the beginning

Nonetheless, earning more than six times its funding target suggests GameStick has an audience of all of its own.

"We did it!," beamed an email sent out to all the device's backers.

"Thank you! You guys are swesome! What an incredible journey, but this is just the beginning."

In total, GameStick amassed $647,658 in pledges in 31 days. Indeed, the device actually hit its target within two days of the Kickstarter launching.