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[Updated] Appromoter presents the ten commandments of app marketing

The complete edition
[Updated] Appromoter presents the ten commandments of app marketing

Ed Vause is the managing director of appromoter, an app marketing service for developers and journalists.

And, over the course of the coming months, he's agreed to share some of his accumulated wisdom with the readers of

In truly Biblical style, Vause will be producing a column series outlining The Ten Commandments of App Marketing, which should act as an invaluable primer for mobile games developers.

The (stone) tablets

We'll be updating this post regularly to include each appromoter column as it's published, so check back frequently or even bookmark this page for Vause's Old Testament guide to app marketing.

#1 Thou shalt be of a darn high quality

#2 Thou shalt understand what makes Apple tick

#3 Thou shalt remember that first impressions count

#4 Thou shalt not forget to produce a video trailer

#5  Thou shalt carefully consider when to launch

#6   Thou shalt get to grips with cross-promotion#7 Thou shalt avoid these 6 prelaunch mistakes#8 - Thou shalt obey these 8 tips for your media launch#9 - Thou shalt worship the 'long tail' of app marketing

#10 -

To find out more about appromoter and the services it offers, take a look at the company's website or receive up-to-the-minute updates via Twitter.