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Share and share like: Why developers need to care about their sharers

Applifier's Jussi Laakkonen on driving free UA
Share and share like: Why developers need to care about their sharers

Not all users are created equal. Why many developers focus their user acquisition techniques on picking up gamers willy-nilly, Applifier's Jussi Laakkonen believes there's a smarter, more efficient way of picking up gamers.

Almost unprompted, the advent of social media has transformed a band of consumers into 'sharers' people who, off their own back, promote your game to masses of gamers across social media.

Speaking at Casual Connect Europe in Amsterdam, Laakkonen whose company is behind video sharing tool Everyplay said the key for developers in the modern mobile era is simply making it as easy as possible to share their games with friends.

Right to the core

Laakonen revealed that, according to research from both Applifier and EEDAR, around two in ten people see video sharing or live broadcasting their gameplay as "extremely important".

"These are mobile's hardcore," added Laakkonen, "and they're people who are going to go out and spread the word.

"Video sharers also heavy payers. Clearly, offering sharing functionality is going to be something payers are interested in, and heavy payers will often look to share the games they're playing. There is a definite link there."

Laakkonen used the example of Nimble Quest as evidence of why video, in particular, open doors. Users may be inclined to describe the game as "like Snake" to their friends. However, screenshots and video gameplay would cast far more light on just what the gameplay is like in practice.

Share and share alike

"People who are into sharing are also more into discovering online," Laakkonen said of Everyplay's research.

"This enables a sort of viral loop these users are on social media looking at what they're friends are up to, and that leads to discovery. If they play the game and get engaged, they're then going to go on and share it themselves or invite friends to play."

Indeed, some research suggests up to half of all people who actively view gameplay videos on services such as YouTube go on to download the game in question.

"Whatever you do, remove the friction," he concluded.

"You know when the user does something cool in your game, so automatically take a screenshot of it prompt them into sharing it. Don't make the user think about it, just give them something to do, a trigger, and the ability to share."

You can download the slides from Laakkonen's talks here.