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MWC 2014: Samsung explains its S Console, GamePad, and Multi-Screen Games

Expanding the reach of mobile gaming
MWC 2014: Samsung explains its S Console, GamePad, and Multi-Screen Games

Despite being the world's biggest mobile device company, Samsung is looking to be more.

So at Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona, its booth demonstrated several new technology implementations it hopes will expand the scope of mobile gaming - as well as expanding its sales.

First up, S Console is a wrapper for content so that it can be displayed on larger screens more readily.

Games need to be coded to support it. At the time of writing, this includes big name franchises such as Asphalt, Dead Space, Modern Combat, and Real Racing.

Simply put: navigating content on mobile is a different proposition to navigating it on a television, and S Console deals with that.

This software is then used in conjunction with other Samsung gaming incentives. The GamePad is the first of these: a controller which connects with your device to allow for traditional console gaming experiences. Here it is being demonstrated.


Another is Multi-Screen Games. This is a low-latency technology that enables multiple devices with screens to sync up with and react to inputs on one another.

The example shown in the video below is of two handsets (though upto four can be used) playing a multiplayer game on a big screen, with action shown on the television, and controls handled by the phones.
