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Our top 10 most anticipated mobile games: from Assassin's Creed: Rebellion and Exiles of Embermark to The Sims Mobile and Brawl Stars

The biggest games we can't wait to play
Our top 10 most anticipated mobile games: from Assassin's Creed: Rebellion and Exiles of Embermark to The Sims Mobile and Brawl Stars

It's all well and good anticipating games at the start of a year, but in the fast-moving world of mobile games, new titles are announced weekly.

So, we've decided to start a rolling list of our most anticipated games, which we'll update as games are released and new titles pop up that catch our interest.

Looking forward

Note - some of these games will overlap with our Soft Launch list, which is good news, because it means we can get our hands on them sooner rather than later.

But instead of tracking their development, this list is more to keep you informed about the most interesting upcoming games that we feel deserve your attention.

NB: We're listing the games in alphabetic order, not order of anticipation. 

Assassin's Creed: Rebellion

Assassin's Creed: Rebellion

Developer: Ubisoft/Behaviour
Expected Platforms: Android, iOS
Due: Winter 2017
Soft Launch?: Yes

Let's not beat around the bush - Behaviour's Fallout Shelter was a phenomenal game that came from nowhere and blew everyone away, and still enjoys success even today.

So now the team has been signed up by Ubisoft to make a similar title with the Assassin's Creed franchise, can the team knock it out of the park again? Absolutely.

Swapping the wasteland for Italy and survivors for assassins, Assassin's Creed: Rebellion has you building up a base of killers and sending them away on missions to raise some much needed cash.

But this is a little more involved than Shelter, as you'll actively need to take part in the missions to succeed and make sure no one dies who wasn't supposed to.

And on top of all that, every Assassin has been remade in a chibi style, which is adorable and hilarious in equal measures. We're sure Ubisoft can deliver on the promise too - it is a top 50 developer for 2017, after all.


Badland Brawl

Badland Brawl

Developer: Frogmind
Expected Platforms: Android, iOS
Due: 2018
Soft Launch?: Yes

Frogmind has proven that you can still carve out a space in the mobile games industry with premium titles, but with Supercell's backing, it's now going F2P-first.

And Badland Brawl looks like the best way to do it - by expanding the Badland universe while also trying out some new mechanics.

The new game is a slingshot-powered brawler, where players fling their units onto a one-lane battlefield to duke it out and ultimately destroy the enemy tower.

As is often the case, units need to be earned, and "decks" built before battle, though in an interesting twist you can also share your units with members of your clan.

There also looks to be a competitive edge to proceedings, with an in-game BadTube that lets players watch previous brawls to pick up tips on how to dominate their opponents.


Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars

Developer: Supercell
Expected Platforms: Android, iOS
Due: 2018
Soft Launch?: Yes

Gosh, Supercell didn't even have to make a big deal out of it testing a new game and we went running to find out something, anything about it.

Here's what we know: it's called Brawl Stars, and is a multiplayer shooter with teams of three battling it out to kill one another or complete objectives, depending on the game mode.

There's also a 10-person free-for-all mode if that's more your speed, which sounds like it could get real rowdy real fast.

It has the usual trappings on top of all this - customisable and upgradable heroes, clans to form, and a bright, colourful world to play in - and we honestly couldn't be more excited to get our hands on it.

Exiles of Embermark

Exiles of Embermark

Developer: Gunslinger Studios
Expected Platform: iOS
Due: 2018
Soft Launch?: No

A fantasy RPG promising 60-second multiplayer action, coming from a studio spun-off from the developers of Midnight StarExiles of Embermark is essentially the perfect elevator pitch game.

But it's more than just a great sounding concept - even a cursory glance at the game's Tumblr page shows off its absolutely gorgeous graphics and animations that are a real treat to behold.

Dig deeper and you'll find a rich lore, exciting ideas bursting from every corner, and a clear understanding of what makes an engaging RPG in the mobile space.

Also GIFs. Lots and lots of GIFs.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Developer: Jam City
Expected Platform: Android, iOS
Due: 2018
Soft Launch?: Yes

Harry Potter might not be a franchise for everyone, but it continues to be a huge success through various spin-offs - including Jam City's Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.

The game, as far as we can tell, plays a lot like Glu's old celebrity games, with players going to different locations and exchanging energy for progress to move on and level up.

There's the promise of a full seven years of Hogwarts to live through, loads of spells to learn, and an overarching mystery to solve as you live your life.

We love a good celebrity game, and magic is always good fun, so we're definitely excited to get our grubby mitts on it whenever it launches.




Developer: Lichthund
Expected Platform: iOS
Due: March 1st 2018
Soft Launch?: No

Throwing bright, neon spears at giant monsters in a bizarre, snowy world? Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun - and a lot like Lichtspeer.

Originally a PC and console game, it sees players running around a 2D world, flinging a spear at various enemies and generally looking cool as you do it.

It's also full of bright colours and buckets of blood, so anyone looking for a visual treat on their smaller device is definitely going to be excited.

The only question is, will it work on mobile? Only time will tell, but we're definitely going to be keeping an eye on it.


Royal Blood

Royal Blood

Developer: Gamevil
Expected Platforms: Android, iOS
Due: Late 2017/Early 2018
Soft Launch?: No

If you'd have told us even a year ago that MMORPGs would be one of the next big things on mobile, we probably would've scoffed - and then Lineage 2 Revolution came about.

With that game already doing wonders in Asia, we're turning our attention to upcoming MMOs without a huge IP to back them, like Gamevil's very exciting Royal Blood.

Developed internally over the last few years, Royal Blood features 100 v 100 battles, enormous amounts of customisation, and basically everything you could think of that a PC MMO might have, scaled down for your phone or tablet.

It looks great too - it's already won awards for its graphics - and we can't wait to get our hands on it. No wonder Gamevil is on our top 50 developers list for 2017.


The Sims Mobile

The Sims Mobile

Developer: EA
Expected Platforms: Android, iOS
Due: 2018
Soft Launch?: Yes

The Sims is one of those franchises that refuses to die, and with good reason - there's nothing in the world that can ever match up to it.

Mobile versions have captured the essence of the experience, but The Sims Mobile looks to be giving us the entire thing in a neat, free-to-play package.

This means tons of customisation for your Sims and their personalities and careers, as well as building your own homes and kitting them out however you desire.

What we really want to know is what happens when your in-game avatars die - you'd hope that in a series known for its players being unusually cruel to its inhabitants, EA wouldn't try and monetise bringing a new set of Sims to life.

Sky: Light Awaits

Sky: Light Awaits

Developer: thatgamecompany
Expected Platforms: iOS
Due: 2018
Soft Launch?: Yes

After years making celebrated games for Sony consoles, thatgamecompany is making the leap to mobile with gentle exploration game Sky: Light Awaits.

Pitched as a social adventure, you're armed with a lit candle and the ability to fly, and its up to you to restore light to the dark areas of the world.

You'll need to rope in friends and family to help you out on your adventure, and you'll need to solve puzzles, gift candles, and hold hands if you want to open up even more of the world.

Though if it's anything like previous games from thatgamecompany, you can just as easily spend eternity wandering around the starting location and still enjoy the calm, gentle nature of the envrionment.


The Walking Dead: Our World

The Walking Dead: Our World

Developer: Next Games
Expected Platforms: Android, iOS
Due: 2018
Soft Launch?: Yes

AR is supposedly going to be the next big thing in mobile gaming, so naturally developers are already jumping on the technology - and brands are coming with them.

For example, Next Games is using its existing relationship with AMC - which helped the developer join our top 50 developers list for 2017 - to bring zombies to augmented reality in The Walking Dead: Our World.

Combining AR and location-based gameplay, it'll have you running about your neighbourhood trying to scavenge resources and not be eaten alive by the shambling undead as you go.

And thanks to the power of the IP, the show's characters will stop by to lend a hand (or crossbow) and ensure you don't get chomped too soon.

Who doesn't want Rick to shoot zombies in their backyard? No one, that's who.
