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The Hot Five: Tapjoy taps up Android, iOS earns its Halo, and Carmack cuts up PS Vita

Last week's top 5 stories

Welcome to's weekly rundown of the stories clocking up the hits, picking up the click-throughs and generally keeping the advertisers happy by serving up page views.

Or, if you'd prefer, the top five stories currently dominating our readers' attention.

Each week, we'll be counting down the biggest news from the previous seven days, giving just a glimpse of the industry's big issues, from five to one.

Ideaworks Labs rebrands as refreshed Airplay SDK becomes MarmaladeCoinciding with the release of a new version of its SDK, Ideaworks3D announced it had rebranded both Ideaworks Labs and Airplay its cross platform middleware tool as Marmalade.

Marmalade 5.0 allows studios to write apps in standard C++ before rolling them out as native releases across smartphone platforms.

Click here to read more.

Tapjoy encourages developers to support Android with new $5 million fundAfter it's very public run-in with Apple, Tapjoy announced a move onto Android, offering up a $5 million strong developer fund to encourage studios to port their games to the platform.

Tapjoy said it would provide porting and testing services for leading Android handsets, while it will also make revenue by encouraging developers tools such as its virtual currency monetisation engine, game state server for virtual economy management, and mobile analytics platform.

Click here to read more.

Bungie makes move on mobile with launch of Halo: Reach app on iOSThough not an actual game, the launch of Bungie's first iOS app appropriately named Bungie Mobile marked the start of a fresh chapter in the life of the Halo studio.

Bungie Mobile is a stats tracker for Halo: Reach on Xbox 360, letting users check their career progress and keep an eye on the performance of their friends.

Click here to read more.

Facebook planning HTML5 app platform for iOS dubbed 'Project Spartan'Either a baseless rumour or, more likely, the most significant move Facebook has made in the mobile arena to date, news that the social network is about to unveil an HTML5 app platform for iOS turned heads last week.

According to TechCrunch, 'Project Spartan' will be served up via Safari, with up to 80 developers including Zynga involved in serving up titles in time for launch.

Click here to read more.

John Carmack reckons PS Vita will look 'pretty pokey' compared to smartphones in a few yearsTop of the pops last week, however, was the suggestion by id Software's John Carmack that, despite leading the line now, within a few years PS Vita's specs will leave it at the back of the pack graphics wise.

"By the time they actually ship, there may be smartphones or these tablets with twice as much power as what they're shipping with on there," he stated. "And a year or two after that, it's going to look pretty pokey."

Click here to read more.

And there's even more

Also proving popular last week was our summary of the five key mobile trends we saw at E3 2011, and the making of iPad social physics puzzler Casey's Contraptions.

Until next week, Pocket Gamer pickers.