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Social gaming venture 'Games at Google' unveiled by job vacancy

Web giant looking for product manager
Social gaming venture 'Games at Google' unveiled by job vacancy

Back in May, a job vacancy posted by online retailer Amazon suggested that the firm was looking move into the social gaming arena.

Over a month later, the same appears to be true for Google, with Engadget having unearthed an opening at the company that makes specific reference to the development of a gaming platform with social features.

Playing with Google

The ad in question, cites a new, previously unannounced venture from the web giant, dubbed 'Games at Google'.

It claims the successful application will have the "rare opportunity to grow a brand new business" as product manager for "Google's gaming strategy".

"You will design strategies for game distribution and discovery, player identity, game mechanics, and more," the add reads.

"In addition to designing a great user experience and building out key partnerships, you will be significantly influencing Google's social platform as you work directly with a critical set of early adopters, game developers."

It's not yet clear whether said platform will be delivered across Android handsets, or whether it's a platform designed to tap into Chrome building on the firm's existing web store.

The ad makes no reference to the actual development of games, however, suggesting Google has no intention of releasing first party titles via Games at Google, whatever the platform proves to be.

[source: Engadget]