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Hot Five: Mobile marketing mistakes, Temple Run 2's money worries, and how to make it big in China

Last week's top five stories
Hot Five: Mobile marketing mistakes, Temple Run 2's money worries, and how to make it big in China

Welcome to's weekly rundown of the stories clocking up the hits, picking up the click-throughs and generally keeping the advertisers happy by serving up page views.

Or, if you'd prefer, the top five stories currently dominating our readers' attention.

Each week, we'll be counting down the biggest news from the previous seven days, giving just a glimpse of the industry's big issues, from five to one.

The ten commandments of app marketing, by Appromoter MD Ed Vause In the latest of his regular columns on the ten commandments of app marketing, Appromoter MD Ed Vause turned his attention to avoiding pre-launch mistakes.

Specifically, six of them.

Without ruining it for you, the six mistakes in question focused on developing in a vacuum, not planning or budgeting for marketing, setting unrealistic expectations of PR, not understanding Apple and Google are looking for, not understanding the customer, and getting to grips with the idea that the App Store is not a place for beta testing.

Storm8 CEO Perry Tam on how the social mobile outfit is playing the long game Take a scan back through articles from even six months ago, and you'll notice that there are certain mobile social companies we were writing about then that don't really get a mention now.

Storm8, however, has been remarkably consistent, and according to CEO Perry Tam, much of the company's success has come from not focusing on just one breed of gamer.

"From the beginning, Storm8 has taken on a network approach - that is building a network of high quality games that our network of users love," said Tam.

"Covering different types of games to attract a wider audience has been a key part of our strategy and is what sets us apart from competitors. In addition, we're seeing that a player's lifetime is three times longer within a mobile game network than with just a single game.

"Thanks to this strategy and our exceptional execution, we've been able to build our user base to more than 200 million players, worldwide who have downloaded our games more than 400 million times."

Chillingo unveils online indie dev resource '100% Indie' It's easy to forget in the wake of both Angry Birds and Cut the Rope, but the now EA-owned Chillingo built itself up publishing supposedly small indie titles.

Indeed, that's exactly what Rovio and ZeptoLab's finest were.

Interesting, then, that the publisher should now be looking to re-engage with that community, teaming up with Samsung to launch 100% Indie: an online resource aimed at small studios, promoting game submissions to the Samsung Apps marketplace.

The two parties claim the devs involved will be able to retain 100 percent of revenue from the sale of their game on the store for a limited time.

The Charticle: Temple Run 2 is mobile's fastest growing game, but how's it monetising?

Flying past previous record holder Angry Birds Space, Imangi Studios recently revealed Temple Run 2 is the fastest growing game in mobile history, hitting 50 million downloads in 13 days.

But is it monetising as well as you might expect a hit of that magnitude was? We took a look in last week's Charticle, with the results suggesting the game has some way to go before it tops the money league too.

"Temple Run never pushed its in-app purchases particularly hard, but its near-ubiquity allowed the game to generate revenues over and above its less popular App Store competitors," detailed news editor James Nouch.

"Temple Run 2 shares many similarities with its predecessor, including this rather gentle brand of monetisation particularly when compared to the App Store's current crop of top-earners.

"Non-paying players in Clash of Clans, for instance, will have to endure lengthier waits than their spendthrift neighbours, but Temple Run 2's non-payers will experience few negative consequences."

Opinion: PS Vita's big room experiences at odds with portable play's new wave

With a late surge of clicks, editor Keith Andrew's take on PS Vita's current woes proved popular last week.

Andrew's view is, there's nothing actually wrong with Vita itself. Rather, the problems lie with how Sony is selling it.

"In truth, there have been plenty of 'big' games out on Sony's handheld since launch, but they've been big in the traditional sense," opened Andrew.

"While a large number of mobile users would cite the likes of Angry Birds: Star Wars, Joe Danger Touch or Temple Run 2 as some of the key releases during the last few months, PS Vita has attempted to build buzz around big console IP: Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, and Call of Duty some of handheld's key releases.

"But are these big blockbusters what consumers want on handhelds anymore?"

Honourable mention...

Infographic: What do western devs need to know to make it in China?

With Chinese New Year on our minds, we decided to focus this month's infographic on the Chinese market, specifically giving insight as to what it takes to score a hit in the country.

The idea is to serve up a clue or to as to what western developers looking east need to know to make it in China.

As with all our infographics, feel free to share the image around, but please link back to the original article.