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Where Clash of Clans is going wrong in China

Not thinking locally when it comes to Android billing
Where Clash of Clans is going wrong in China

According to leading Chinese Android app store Wandoujia, Clash of Clans' success in China is currently more about status than revenue.

It's pointed out that despite racking up over 200,000 downloads through the store during its launch month - now over 600,000 in total - it hasn't generated any money.

This is because the only billing system currently in-place is via Google Play; not a platform that any Chinese consumers have access to.

What's in your wallet?

In contrast, Wandoujia - an Android app store with 250 million users - has worked closely with developer Locojoy to ensure the game I'm MT includes Wandoujia's supported billing options such as AliPay, debit/card cards or phone cards.

The result, it claims, was the game received over 260,000 downloads during its first week of availability on Wandoujia.

And more significantly, it generated RMB 102 (around $16.50) in average revenue per paying user.

[source: Wandoujia]