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Qplaze claims explosive growth in mobile players of MMOG Age of Heroes Online

Total player base over 111,000
Qplaze claims explosive growth in mobile players of MMOG Age of Heroes Online

Compared to countries such as Korea, there haven't been many big mobile online games in Europe or the US yet.

Russian publisher Qplaze is looking to change that however with its persistent online role-playing browser and mobile game Age of Heroes Online.

It claims the game has over 100,000 players in the former Soviet states, and the newly released English language version has broken the 11,000 barrier.

Overall, the daily increase in mobile RPGers is said to be around 1,500.

Recent features aiding this include a new client supporting large number of mobile devices and a simplified registration system.

President of Qplaze Andrey Baranovskiy said; "The past one and a half months show an explosive growth in mobile users' interest in our project. In almost fifty days we managed to double the audience of Russian-speaking Age of Heroes Online server; increasing it by more than fifty thousand people and increasing the number of daily registered players almost five times."

Baranovskiy said this rapid growth was due to the company's distribution channel which enables its partners to distribute the mobile game client and take a cut of the revenue.

The company will also be investing in the future with more game servers planned in order to improve the connection quality and gameplay speed, and localisation in a further nine languages.

New games features and character abilities will be rolled out too.