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That was the year that was: Sarah Thomson, IUGO

2009 for original iPhone content, 2010 for taking it to BlackBerry, BREW and Android
That was the year that was: Sarah Thomson, IUGO

As the year draws to an end, it's time to look back at what happened in the world of mobile gaming during 2009.

Equally, the lessons of history are useless without a future to demonstration what we've learnt, so as well as asking various notables about their view on the past 12 months, we're also getting them to look ahead to 2010.

You can see the full list of our end of year interviews here.

First up is Sarah Thomson, business development manager of Canadian studio IUGO, which released games such as A.D.D., Implode!, Star Hogs, Spy Bot Chronicles and Zombie Attack! Second Wave on iPhone during 2009.

Pocket Gamer: What was the most significant event of 2009?

Sarah Thomson: I think the big story that's been happening over the past two years has been the wider influence of the iPhone, not just the phone itself.

Mobile has seen some big changes in regards to importance of content, innovative content and well, lots of it!

Apple changed the relationship for developers by removing the stuffy old carrier model and giving everyone and their dog a chance to develop apps. For better or worse, this is the model now and others are following suit. The iPhone is owning this area and will for a while.

What was the most significant event for IUGO?

For IUGO, 2009 was the year to build out our portfolio into the 13 original titles we have thus far. A little over a year and a half ago we had no original IUGO content. As an indie studio we have proven we're capable of creating original content that users love playing, not just developing on a work-for-hire basis with someone else's IP.

The IUGO brand has seen some real solidification happen with users and within the industry too. We are in a great position to now take our IP and expand onto other mobile platforms as well as explore interesting new opportunities with external partners.

What was your favourite mobile game of 2009?

I'll first have to state my favourite IUGO game this year would have to be Cliffed. That game has not gotten the recognition it deserves!

My favourite non-IUGO game would have to be Harbor Master. Well done Imangi!

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2010?

I think it will be quite interesting to see where Android heads. We're waiting for that market to become more monetisable for us and when it does, it will be a force to be reckoned with.

Specifically with IUGO, we're moving some of our games onto the BlackBerry for the first time in early 2010 so we're anxious to see how that performs. Also, IUGO will be going back to basics and revisiting BREW. I think even though poor BREW hasn't gotten a lot of attention lately, it will resurface next year and we'll say, "Oh ya! BREW's still good!"

If you could enforce one New Year's resolution, what would it be?

I think the App Store needs to go on a diet. It's getting bloated, which is slowing down the App Store itself, it's affecting the health of discoverability, and the health of us developers.

Apple needs to stop feeding that beast so many apps a day. You've got over 100,000 apps in there, how much more do you really need? Let's start feeding it quality apps.

Thanks to Sarah for her time.

Keep up-to-date with IUGO via its website.