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OpenFeint's Relan: We're going to support single device multiple log-ins for iPad

Social gaming gets even more immersive
OpenFeint's Relan: We're going to support single device multiple log-ins for iPad

Everyone agrees that the iPad is going to be great for social games, as well as local multiplayer and the like.

But what does this mean for the social networking technology companies?

We caught up with Peter Relan, chairman of OpenFeint, to get his take on iPad.

How will iPad change the portable gaming market?

Peter Relan: It has the potential to be a "portable console"... both a portable device and a console for the living room. Also portability inside the home is going to be key.

What most impresses you about iPad?

The price point it came out at: $499 is almost half of what I would have expected.

How does it change things in terms of social gaming?

It probably won't replace the traditional console in the living room, but it has the potential to address a broader casual market in the living room for board games etc, and once you add the play with your friends, it allows social casual gaming in a broad way in the living room

Does the extra screen size mean you can do more things in terms of OpenFeint user interface?

We have plans for some really special features for the iPad that will make social gaming even more immersive.

Will you support multiple accounts on one device i.e. for local multiplayer?

Yes. OpenFeint will support multiple logged in profiles for local multiplayer games just like Xbox Live.

Thanks to Peter for his time.