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Booyah raises another $5 million

Virtual to real world iPhone MMOG cashes up
Booyah raises another $5 million

With founders from Blizzard and Insomniac Games, US developer Booyah raised $4.5 million from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers' iFund in its first funding round in May 2009.

Its debut app, the personal motivator cum diary app Booyah Society, hasn't really made a dent in the App Store however.

Still that doesn't appear to have tarnished the company's commercial appeal as a recent SEC filing - as highlighted by mocoNews - reveals it's raised a further $5 million.

It's not clear what the new money will be used for, but in a interview with CEO Keith Lee, he said the company's longterm model was to link into real world partnerships.

"There's no shortage of business models and revenue streams once you start overlaying the digital and real world on each other," he explained.

"In particular, it opens up the opportunity for real world partnerships, virtual goods/currency, content packs, and integrated branding. What's great is that we're well diversified - and now that our app is out, we can start playing around with potential revenue streams."

[source: mocoNews]