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2010 In Review: Callum Rowley, Gameloft

You're going to see a lot more from us on Android
2010 In Review: Callum Rowley, Gameloft

Demonstrating the ability to build out its traditional download business into emerging markets, and aggressively target the smartphone business with a wealth of original (if generically titled) games, Gameloft has had an excellent 2010.

It's also been fast onto new platforms, with its own Android HD store, and content for the launches of Windows Phone 7, and Samsung's bada and Galaxy Tab.

Its critical reputation and revenues are growing fast. Indeed, at the current rate, it will overtake rival EA Mobile as the biggest Western mobile publisher in 2011.

Callum Rowley, is the PR and marketing manager at Gameloft UK.

Pocket Gamer: What was the most significant event of 2010?

Callum Rowley: The Tab Revolution (iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab etc) has done phenomenally well in garnering public attention in 2010 so I'd say this has been the most significant event in mobile gaming.

It's opened the doors to more choice for our fans and has allowed us to bring our games to larger screens (and larger audiences), while retaining the intuitive touch controls we've come to enjoy.

What was the most significant event for Gameloft?

This definitely has to be our 10th anniversary. It shows how far Gameloft has come. Ten years is a long time, especially as we've always been a mobile games company. (Think what mobile games looked like 10 years ago.)

To mark the occasion, we held a massive event in Paris. This involved unveiling a slew of new Gameloft games and new branding. And as we have studios all over the world, it was a great opportunity for everyone to get together and meet up.

What was your favourite mobile game of the year?

Well, obviously this is going to be a Gameloft game. I've taken particular fancy to Dungeon Hunter 2. I loved the first one but the sequel has really stepped up to the plate and shows what we're capable of.

On a non-Gameloft front I'd have to go with Game Dev Story. I was hooked on that little number for hours, if not weeks.

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2011?

We've seen the Android platform really come together towards the tailend of this year so I think we're going to see this continue to grow.

In the past the market has been fragmented across devices, which has made it tricky for us to get our games out there. We're now much more synchronised on releases and moving forwards into 2011, you're going to see a lot more from Gameloft on the Android platform.

Of course, we also have 3D coming to portable gaming, which if it plays well and looks nice will be a really big hit that's going to see massive adoption. A lot of people are still sceptical about 3D in both television and gaming, but if there is one thing the games industry has done time and time again it's prove something extraordinary and out there can work and deliver a magical, compelling experience.

If you could enforce one New Year's resolution, what would it be?

Keep pushing the boundaries! To think how far gaming has come in the past few years is truly mind-blowing.

The amount of choice in where and how you game - from Facebook to HD set top boxes - is phenomenal, and we need to keep pushing that forwards. It won't be long now till we're playing multiplayer games on our cereal boxes.

Thanks to Callum for his time

You can check out Gameloft's activities on its website.