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MocoSpace's CEO Justin Siegel argues that HTML5 has the potential to topple Apple's mobile gaming crown

Changes the market dynamics
 MocoSpace's CEO Justin Siegel argues that HTML5 has the potential to topple Apple's mobile gaming crown

Although it looks like Facebook has now delayed its Project Spartan reveal to a separate event, on the eve of its F8 conference, we thought we'd ask some of the companies in the vanguard of the mobile-social-browser revolution what they thought about all thing HTML5.

Here are the responses from MocoSpace CEO and co-founder Justin Siegel.

How important do you think HTML5 is, and by extension technology such as Facebook's Project Spartan, will be for mobile gaming?

Justin Siegel: HTML5 is very important. It will move mobile games from a two platform business to a three platform business.

This will increase opportunities for game developers, and more games means more chances for brands to connect with consumers in cool, fun ways.

Do you think Project Spartan will mean Facebook becomes a much more significant part of the mobile gaming ecosystem?

Not really.

What, specifically, is MocoSpace doing in this area?

We are ramping up our efforts to port some of our games to the Facebook platform. We've already launched over a dozen games on our platform, we're seeing over one million games played every day, and Moco gamers spend over one million hours on the MocoSpace Games Platform.

We've also dedicated $2 million in our HTML5 Game Developer Fund in order to develop and expand our partnerships with HTML5 game developers.

App stores have been incredibly good distribution networks so do you think the rise of web technology will reduce their importance, or can both types of distribution prosper?

Both will prosper. Facebook is a completely social experience, which is very different from what the app stores offer.

Do you think the rise of HTML5 will impact Apple's position as the most powerful mobile gaming OS?

Yes. We're going to see a lot more competition in the mobile gaming space, and the next five years will prove to be an exciting time as Google, Facebook, and others realise the potential that HTML5 provides.

Thanks to Justin for his time.