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Neon Play tops 26 million downloads across iOS and Android

Up 6 million in 5 months
Neon Play tops 26 million downloads across iOS and Android

Having launched at the start of 2010, Cirencester-based mobile outfit Neon Play has revealed total app downloads across iOS and Android have now surpassed 26 million.

As a result, the company is now talking of topping 50 million before the end of 2012, with the firm's average since launch coming in at around 1.5 million downloads every month.

Rate race

At that rate, Neon Play would hit 50 million by March 2013, suggesting the studio expects an increase in its download rate in the coming months.

As things stand, the firm's games are currently amassing a total of 1.2 million downloads every month, with Neon Play's last 6 million downloads having been registered in the last 5 months.

The firm has also revealed total Paper Crazy Copter 3D downloads sit at 1.25 million, with Golf Putt Pro 3D coming in at 400,000.

[source: Mobile Entertainment]