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2012 in review: Lee Bradley, contributor

The year of mobile marvels
2012 in review: Lee Bradley, contributor

As we consider the trends of the past 12 months and look forward to the next 12 months, we've asked the great and the good in the mobile gaming industry for their opinions.

Lee Bradley is a freelancer journalist, having written for the likes of Eurogamer and Gamasutra, as well as regularly for

Pocket Gamer: What do you think was the most significant event for the mobile games industry in 2012?

Lee Bradley: It has to be the evolution of freemium. As the model matures we're seeing more interesting, more successful uses of IAP. It’s not just a matter of dishing out a game for nothing and hiding all the good stuff behind a paywall.

As some devs have learned the hard way, it demands a more creative approach.

Yet still there is no set formula. Expect some big failures and some even bigger successes next year.

What was the most significant event for you and your work?

This has the been the first year that I've written about the mobile games industry and it's been a revelation.

With creative, unguarded and outspoken talent, mobile is a joy to report on, especially compared to the more controlled, PR-dominated world of console development.

I look forward to writing even more interesting things about even more interesting developers making even more interesting games next year.

What was your favourite mobile game of the year?

Beat Sneak Bandit. It's completely wonderful; a beautifully produced rhythm crime caper with a deeply funky soundtrack and gorgeous, bold visuals.

What's most impressive is how it plays to the strengths of the platform. The controls are wonderfully simple without feeling limiting or compromised in any way. It's ace! I'm completely in love with Simogo.

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2013?

I'm fascinated by the real money gambling apps and 2013 will see a whole bunch of them popping up around the world.

More than anything I'm looking forward to someone like Zynga releasing a farming title with real money gambling elements. Actually, I don't even know if that’s possible, but it’ll be funny if it happens. The anti-freemium types will do their nut!

But yeah, important trends. How will Apple face up to increasingly tough competition from Google and Microsoft? What exciting new ways will developers come up with to get themselves noticed in a swamped market? When will Will Luton finally admit that he's a games journalist?

Those will be the questions on everyone’s lips in 2013.

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2013?

My resolution is to play more. I spend so much time writing about games I get precious little time to actually play them. It’s an exciting time and I sometimes feel like I’m struggling to keep up.

Plus, I should probably talk to my missus more too. She's quite nice, if I remember correctly.

As for a resolution I would enforce on the industry, mine would be to encourage more diverse voices. I think we're good for 20 and 30-something white dudes with glasses for quite some time, thanks. I want new perspectives!

Thanks to Lee for his time.