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New Year, New Job: Why core skills are all important to NaturalMotion

Fundamentals matter when applying for jobs
New Year, New Job: Why core skills are all important to NaturalMotion

With 2013 well and truly underway, now's typically the time when the industry's great and good take a quick look around and, CV willing, consider making a swift move to a rival firm.

But how can you stand out from the pack, and what are the skills that studios are really looking for in this industry?

To find out, we decided to sample the opinion of those leading the very firms folk may be eyeing up a move to, getting to grips with just what successful applicants have that sets them apart from the masses.

Next up, here's NaturalMotion's talent acquisition manager Emma McGonigle with her top tips for finding a new job in 2013.

What skills will be most in demand throughout the mobile games industry in 2013 and beyond?

Emma McGonigle: Solid core skills are key. We are always looking for great artists, exceptional programmers and talented developers in all our studio locations Oxford, London, San Francisco and Brighton at Boss Alien.

However people skills are important too, and we are always looking for driven team players with a passion for making great Games. Being open-minded to the mobile development process is pretty key!

What competencies and/or qualifications might your company be looking for from any candidates this year?

Of course we do look for a strong education so a great degree is very welcome! This could be in art, computer science, design, or if not a degree strong industry experience.

In our studios it's also really important to us that people work hard but have fun, so we want well rounded individuals who love our technology and free-to-play games.

What's your one piece of advice for those seeking a new job in the industry in this year?

Do your research! Know the company you're applying to and tell us why you want to work for us. Tell us why you're great how you're the perfect fit for NaturalMotion.

NaturalMotion will be hiring across all its studios in 2013 we have some amazing new technology and some very exciting games in progress already! Watch this space.

Come and join our world class team  careers [at]

Thanks to Emma for her time.

You can sample top tips for getting a job from other mobile industry luminaries here.