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EA merges Firemint with IronMonkey to form Firemonkeys

Becomes Australia's largest studio
EA merges Firemint with IronMonkey to form Firemonkeys

With a unified base of 50 million players, Australian outfits Firemint and IronMonkey have been merged by parent company EA to form the country's largest development studio, Firemonkeys.

The new outfit will operate out of Melbourne, with EA claiming aligning the two studios will enable it to develop a "more focused team of passionate individuals" who are "dedicated to developing high-quality mobile game experiences."

Two become one

"This merge in the mobile space will result in positive overall growth for the Firemonkeys team and fans should expect to see progressive development efforts with upcoming launch and project announcements in 2012," detailed EA on the developer's newly launched website.

"With the added synergy this partnership creates, fans can expect unique features and new experiences in the brands they have come to know and love."

Firemint shot to fame with the launch of Flight Control back in 2010, later moving on to prove it had graphical prowess with Real Racing and its sequel.

Its most recent new IP was the well received Spy Mouse, which launched back in August 2011.

IronMonkey has garnered much of its experience bringing console or PC-based IP to the mobile market, working with franchises such as The Sims, Dead Space and Mass Effect.

EA claims Firemonkeys will continue to work on individual products as well as collaborating on new ones out of its Melbourne office.

[source: Firemonkeys]