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ARM buys game real-time lighting specialist Geomerics

Global illumination meets the chip roadmap
ARM buys game real-time lighting specialist Geomerics
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Dec 13, 2013 acquisition ARM Geomerics Not disclosed

In an interesting move, UK chip company ARM has acquired real-time lighting specialist Geomerics.

The price of the deal hasn't yet been revealed but Cambridge-based Geomerics will become a wholly-owned subsidiary, continuing to operate as a separate trading entity.

Geomerics' Enlighten technology was initially used in console games such as Battlefield 3 and Eve Online.

But as the graphical power of mobile devices has increased, the company added support for iOS and Android.

Out of the shadows

"With lighting technologies developed by Geomerics, graphics artists can achieve truly realistic global illumination and other advanced lighting features in real time across multiple platforms today," said Geomerics' COO Chris Doran.

""Being part of ARM will allow us to accelerate our advanced developments for console and mobile platforms while also providing us with unmatched insights into the platforms and devices of tomorrow."

"Empowering Geomerics' portfolio with ARM's graphics capabilities and market reach will be transformative for the user experiences in future mobile and entertainment devices," added Pete Hutton, EVP and GM Media Processing Division, ARM.