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2013 In Review: The Muteki Corp's Adam Rippon

We're 'one update away' from Apple's game console
2013 In Review: The Muteki Corp's Adam Rippon

As we come to the end of 2013, it's time to look back at the events that dominated the last 12 months in mobile gaming.

We've asked the industry's great and good to give their take on the last year, as well as predicting the trends that will come to pass in 2014.

Adam Rippon is the creative director for The Muteki Corp., the developer of the award-winning retro RPGs Dragon Fantasy Book I and Book II.

Pocket Gamer: What do you think was the most significant event for the mobile games industry in 2013?

Adam Rippon: Apple's MFi controller support in iOS 7.

For starters, I still believe certain games work better with buttons, and while I always believe in supporting touch controls, man do I love to be able to legitimately support both.

And then there's the whole Trojan Horse Apple TV angle - we're now one software update away from a device that essentially would be Apple's game console.

You better believe I’m working on an update for Dragon Fantasy to support MFi controllers!

What was the most significant event for your company?

Well, Dragon Fantasy 1 and 2 both came out for PSN, so that's pretty straightforward!

But I'm really excited to be working on Dragon Fantasy 2 for other platforms and Dragon Fantasy 1 for 3DS now!

What was your favorite mobile game of the year?

This one was answered by Anna Marie, our social media coordinator. I personally didn't play many mobile games this year because I was working my fingers off - and the ones I did play I didn’t like much! Damn you terrible, terrible, port of Final Fantasy V!

From Anna Marie:

Flow Free
, and Flow Free Bridges. I have horrible spacial vision, and it's this quirky little 'fill in the grid' game that's really helped me hone that skill. Also, it's addictive and fun and not pushy about IAPs. Between the two games, I spent about $20.

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2014?

50/50 chance: mobile will toss off the shackles of the "you can't be quality because you have to be cheap" OR it'll get buried under a pile of garbage.

Either would create a massive trend wave.

What's your New Year's resolution and what resolution would you enforce on the industry?

My New Year's resolution is to get out more. Now that I’ve finished two big RPGs I am trying to readjust to the real world before I try to tackle the third installment.

It doesn't hurt that my wife's band is starting to get pretty big, so hopefully I’ll be able to take some time to go on tour with them - maybe even see Japan finally!