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Ex-Fyber VP David Diaz joins Supercell as Media Buyer

Mobile ad expert jumps ship after more than 4 years at Fyber
Ex-Fyber VP David Diaz joins Supercell as Media Buyer

David Diaz, former VP of Developer Relations at San Francisco-based ad tech firm Fyber, has joined Supercell as Media Buyer.

He joined Fyber in March 2012 as Senior Business Development Manager, before quickly rising through the ranks. 

Beyond mobile media

Diaz, himself a former journalist, has previously contributed guest columns to

In February, he wrote that "game developers will need to master sophisticated marketing strategies as they go beyond mobile media to build their audience."

"They’ll need a holistic view of how all channels - including TV and outdoor advertising - work together to reach the best possible consumer targets and drive app discovery."

In his new role as Media Buyer for Supercell, which boasts some of the biggest games, and unarguably the biggest brands, on mobile in Clash of Clans and Clash Royale - and not to forget the increasingly humorous Boom Beach ads -  Diaz will have a great opportunity to fulfil this vision.
