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Blizzard loses CFO to payment company Square

Follows Activision Blizzard CFO Spencer Neumann out the door after he joined Netflix
Blizzard loses CFO to payment company Square

Payment company Square has announced it has hired Blizzard CFO Amrita Ahuja as its new finance officer.

The exec has spent eight years working at Activision Blizzard, starting out as VP of strategy and business development in 2010 before rising to VP finance and operations and SVP investor relations. She then became CFO of Blizzard in March of last year.

“In Amrita, we have found an amazing, multidimensional business leader,” said Square chief Jack Dorsey.

“Amrita brings the ability to consider and balance opportunities across our entire business, and she will help strengthen our discipline as we invest, build, and scale."

CFO exodus

Ahuja's move comes just says after Activision Blizzard CFO Spencer Neumann joined Netflix in the same role. CNBC reports he was set to be fired from the Call of Duty publisher for even looking at another job.

It also comes amid a downturn in the company's stock price, with shares dipping almost a third in value in 2018.

This story was originally published on our sister-site