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O2 Litmus store pays users to test applications

Customers targeted to help improve developer community
O2 Litmus store pays users to test applications

There are a lot of new online digital distribution services springing up, and O2’s Litmus store was one of the first we noticed after the App Store really took off.

The system was rolled out in December of last year, and now O2 is targeting its customer base to gets its help in testing out the new developer platform. The mobile phone provider has teamed up with Mob4Hire (not as cut throat as it sounds) to enable testers to capitalise on their time spent trialling Litmus applications.

"Opening an apps store has become the new mobile vogue. But for O2 it misses something fundamental: the collaboration of customer, developer and the network operator,” says James Parton, head of O2 Litmus.

”We are in the unique position to be able to draw on over 19 million customers and offer those with a proven interest in new mobile technologies and a real thirst for new ideas the chance to shape the future of their network by working directly with software developers to provide feedback on mobile applications that have been designed for them."

Not only will people be given free access to the application once it becomes available on the Litmus store, but they’re being given the opportunity to ‘bid’ on applications in need of beta testing. The user can offer a value they believe their time will be worth providing feedback on a specific application, which, if accepted by the developer, will be paid once the testing phase is complete.

If you’re an O2 customer and fancy helping out the developer community, head on over to and sign up.