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Talking Point: Are mobile advergames ever any good?

And do they deliver what brands are looking for?
Talking Point: Are mobile advergames ever any good?

In the scheme of things, advergaming is pretty new, coming to prominence on the web in recent years as brands invested marketing budgets in promotional Flash games.

There've been a few on mobile, too. We remember a particularly bad free snowboarding game based on Campbell's Soup, for example, and numerous other poor efforts.

Now Artificial Life has announced plans to make an iPhone advergame for BMW, called BMW Z4 - An Expression of Joy. It'll become the second auto advergame on the App Store, joining Audi A4 Driving Challenge.

So, we want your views on mobile advergames (and by that we mean free games designed purely to promote a brand - NOT adverts placed within normal mobile games, or premium titles based on brands like movies).

Has there ever been a really decent mobile advergame? Are these games popular with consumers - and if so, what are the best ways of getting them out there? And do they generate a measurable return on investment for brands?

Hit us up with your comments, and let's get a debate going!