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Android getting Flash before iPhone

Software company already porting it to Google handsets
Android getting Flash before iPhone

There’s been a lot of back and forth over the addition of Adobe’s Flash framework being ported to the current range of feature rich smartphones, such as Android powered handsets and the iPhone.

Some progress appeared to have been made with Flash Lite 3.0, though more from a distributor’s point of view.

A new rumour suggests technology company Bsquare has been commissioned to port Flash to the Android platform, however, and work is well underway. The commission comes from an unnamed global tier carrier, rather surprisingly, instead of Adobe or Google.

Although it’s not know which carrier has set the project underway, it seems likely to be T-Mobile, considering it’s about the only one currently pushing the Android system.

No news on when (or even if) the iPhone will finally see a working port of Flash, though it’s widely suspected this isn’t so much a compatibility issue as a control one.