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iTunes 9 images leaked?

Suggests third party syncing and Facebook integration
iTunes 9 images leaked?

The Boy Genius Report has nabbed a handful of unconfirmed (though reasonably convincing) screenshots of what could be iTunes 9, which has been the subject of quite a lot of speculation lately.

There's been talk of Blu-ray (exactly how iTunes would make use of physical media hasn't been explained, other than to suggest the HD format was being implemented in new Mac Books) and a new kind of album artwork format.

These leaked images hint at some more interesting features, however. Facebook integration appears to be sharing an iTunes playlist on the popular social networking site, which tallies nicely with previous suggestions that Apple is aiming to add social features to the system.

It also shows a non-iPod device attached, insinuating that iTunes might finally allow users to sync their MP3 players (and media players, possibly? The PSP plays the same video format as the iPhone, after all) with the software.