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Vodafone also lands rights to supply the iPhone in UK

The Apple wars begin
Vodafone also lands rights to supply the iPhone in UK

Only yesterday it was announced that O2's exclusivity contract with the iPhone was nearing an end, and rival Orange immediately stepped in to announce that it would be the next carrier to supply Apple's smartphone phenomenon to the UK.

Today, The Telegraph reports that Vodafone has also secured the rights to sell the iPhone in Britain,with the deal apparently only being finalised with Apple last night.

Although Orange has yet to announce any tariffs or costs for the iPhone, a third operator entering the ring will undoubtedly kickstart an aggressive price war as carriers battle it out to seduce mobile users who have yet to take an iPhone contract.

Previous reports have already suggested that cellular network operators don't make a great deal of money from the iPhone itself, which is reportedly heavily subsidised. But there's no denying that having an iPhone in a carrier's catalogue is vital to landing new customers.

Rumours are also being heard that Virgin Mobile is also working to secure its own iPhone deal, so we can expect some aggressive pricing to begin very shortly.