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Hands-On Mobile on being a PSP Mini launch publisher

Also planning DSiWare debut
Hands-On Mobile on being a PSP Mini launch publisher

One of the surprises of Sony's PSP Minis launch on 1st October 2009 was the presence of Hands-On Mobile.

Best known for licences such as Call of Duty, Guitar Hero and World Poker Tour on mobile, the US publisher had two games on the Mini's launch deck - Bloons and Brainpipe.

Intrigued about its debut on portable consoles, we caught up with senior director of marketing David McCaman to find out what was going on.

Pocket Gamer: As a mobile publisher, why did you decide to get involved with PSP Minis?

David McCaman: Hands-On Mobile is committed to developing and publishing best selling apps and games across all mobile platforms.

While our core business is still in traditional mobile, including the iPhone and emerging app stores, our company will continue to expand beyond these platforms as we strive to release the best content possible. As devices evolve and digital distribution channels emerge, we're bullish our content will be successful.

Sony has a track record of creating compelling gaming platforms and we wanted to be there at the forefront with the PSPgo launch with Brainpipe and Bloons.

How easy has it been to source content?

Over the past eight years we've been incredibly successful in building brands in the mobile space and taking successful brands on other media channels or gaming platforms and bringing them to mobile. Apple's App Store is a perfect example of new original IP and top established brands coexisting and resonating with consumers in large numbers.

Given our history of success with licensing incredible brands, from Guitar Hero to Marvel and NBA (to name a few), and bringing them to a number of platforms, we feel we have the expertise, relationships, and track record to continue to excel in this area.

How does Minis fit into the wider business model for Hands-On?

As mentioned earlier, we're always looking at new digital distribution opportunities to deliver our award-winning content and the PSPgo provides an exciting opening for us to reach handheld gamers.

The mobile/handheld space is going through incredible changes with content leading the charge across carrier, operating system, and manufacturer distribution channels, and we have the experience and capabilities to support, test, and succeed in these areas where consumers flock.

Will you be publishing all your games globally?

Our PSPgo Minis will be published globally with Sony Computer Entertainment America and Europe.

Can you reveal any other Minis games you have planned for release?

We will have a number of titles releasing in the next year with some coming from partners in our successful hdn program (Hands-On Mobile Developer Network).

The program is open to digital content developers who are looking for partnership support in funding, marketing, legal, and much more to help mitigate risk, and break through the noise in crowded markets.

Will you also be supporting DSiWare?

Yes. We're excited about the digital distribution for the DSi and are looking forward to introducing our games to the DS community.

Thanks to David for his time.

You can find out more about Hands-On Mobile Developer Network here.

General information about what the company gets up to is available on its website and Twitter.