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MEGU launches Android app store delivery system

Could be used for ‘adult content’
MEGU launches Android app store delivery system

There’s been a sudden influx of white label application store systems arriving for a variety of different platforms including mobile and Windows Mobile, and now MEGU Mobile has prepared a front-end system for the Android.

The Prague-based software developer provides delivery platforms for mobile devices, and has put together the first external app store system for Google’s OS, which MEGU Mobile promises can be plugged into any operator or third party billing system.

“After we have launched our showcase technology on, our management team has decided that it is best to enter the AppStore technology market, and provide something accessible to mobile operators, mobile content providers, which are hungry for solutions, that will open doors for them or their partners to offer content on these new platforms, such as Google Android,” says Matej Gause, content director of MEGU Mobile.

It’s also apparently working on similar native mobile delivery platforms for Windows Mobile, Java, Symbian and ‘other’ platforms.

One area of the new Android app store that MEGU Mobile mentions is the potential for it to be used to carry ‘adult content’, which could, of course, mean any number of things, from mature rated games that wouldn’t meet the current Market’s approval, or it could mean porn.

As much as this might raise a worried eyebrow for some users, porn has been proven to make almost any platform successful (that’s how Blu-Ray won out over HD DVD and VHS over BetaMax, for example) and could give any iPhone competitors a real shot in the arm.