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Security startup Lookout bringing firewall and anti-virus software to iPhone, Android, WinMo, Blackberry

Raises $5.5 million in first round funding
Security startup Lookout bringing firewall and anti-virus software to iPhone, Android, WinMo, Blackberry

As smartphones and mobile devices are increasingly used for internet access, it's only a matter of time before security becomes a serious issue.

The iPhone has already had a couple of brushes with invasive software, and a new San Francisco-based startup called Lookout has raised $5.5 million aimed directly at smartphone security.

Lookout is currently working on firewall and anti-virus applications for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Windows Mobile, and tells the New York Times it's aiming to establish itself as the Symantec of the mobile world.

Its security applications - which are aimed toward consumers, rather than businesses - will cover vulnerable areas such as internet access, data backups and the option to wipe your phone's data should you lose it.

The Lookout applications are expected to be rolled out in 2010, with free and premium versions available.