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Several top-five handset manufacturers place orders for Nvidia Tegra chips

Power phones coming soon
Several top-five handset manufacturers place orders for Nvidia Tegra chips

We've been watching the new generation of mobile power processors that promise all kinds of wonderful connectivity, HD video and ultra-low power consumption.

At the moment, chief among them is Nvidia's Tegra chipset, which apparently provides the beating heart of Microsoft's forthcoming ZuneHD (which we suspect could be on the first real iPod touch-killer).

Anyway, according to ElectricPig, NVIDIA has now received orders from several top-five handset manufacturers, with Samsung and Motorola as the primary suspects.

It is further suspected that one of these two electronics giants is behind the T-Mobile Tegra handset expected to be the first power phone on the market.

Given that O2 has now landed exclusivity on the Palm Pre, delivering the first Tegra powered handset could be exactly what T-Mobile needs to compete in the difficult smart phone market.

It's all still rumours at the moment, but clearly it won't be long before the next generation of portable processing power from chipsets such as Tegra and Qualcomm's Snapdragon are with us.