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Artificial Life signs deal with China Unicom to make mobile games

First Artificial Life Chinese Java games launch
Artificial Life signs deal with China Unicom to make mobile games

Mobile developer Artificial Life is a well known name in the west, having brought a host of big name licenses to the mobile games arena. It's now teamed up with China's second largest network provider (and the company that launched the iPhone in China) China Unicom to deliver Java games to its massive mobile user base.

The deal kicks off with five Artificial Life games, including Red Bull Air Race World Championship, Blackie's Teenage Club, Lollipop and new licenses based on popular Taiwanese children's TV shows.

"China has the largest mobile subscriber base in the world giving it great potential for mobile entertainment and other mobile applications, especially after the launch of the 3G network and iPhone in the country," says Eberhard Schoneburg, CEO of Artificial Life. "Our close partnership with China Unicom will allow us to launch mobile games to customers within a very short time frame."

The partnership is already planning a lot more mobile games, but there's nothing definite yet as to whether it'll also branch out into iPhone titles.