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Android Marketplace crosses 20,000 apps mark

Doubles number of apps in the last five months
Android Marketplace crosses 20,000 apps mark

There's no denying it's been a slow start for Android, but hardware interest has sky-rocketed recently, and developer enthusiasm along with it.

According to figures put out by AndroLib, the Android Marketstore just crossed the 20,000 games and applications threshold.

It seems surreal that 20,000 pieces of software no longer sounds like a huge amount (in comparison to over 100,000 on the iPhone's App Store), but it's still a significant moment in the life of Google's mobile operating system.

It also highlights the renewed enthusiasm from the development community, as the Marketplace only crossed the 10,000 barrier five months ago. The release of devices such as the Motorola Droid also boosted the release of software, with November showing the highest number of apps ever released onto the Marketplace in a single month.

More work needs to be done to aid developers with promotion, however, as the figures also show that over 30 per cent of applications have seen less than 50 downloads, while less than 1 per cent have crossed the 250,000 downloads threshold.