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EA working with Apple on tablet launch titles

Newspapers, magazines and TV stations also being drafted in to show off the device
EA working with Apple on tablet launch titles

Rumours are rampant about the imminent arrival of the Apple touchscreen tablet (pegged as the iSlate or iPad at the moment) and the Wall Street Journal believes Steve Jobs is bringing in a host of companies from across the multimedia industries to help it get the device's purpose across.

According to the report, Electronic Arts is already working with Apple to put together some launch titles and game examples so consumers associate the tablet with gaming from the outset.

Also believed to be helping out is the New York Times, to offer a digital newspaper; HarperCollins, for a range of e-books; and CBS and Disney to launch video channels based on a monthly TV subscription service.

If true, Apple is clearly attempting to establish the tablet as more than just a web browsing device or multimedia laptop alternative. With gaming and 'everyday use' functions at its core, this is likely to be marketed not to the technophiles, but the family and casual consumer.

Apple is expected to make an announcement on January 27th.