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Motorola promises more Android smartphones after Droid

Other platforms will be available, but Android is the way forward
Motorola promises more Android smartphones after Droid

The Motorola Droid is meeting with considerable critical success and consumer excitement, and during its Q3 financial conference call yesterday the electronics firm has pledged further support for Google's Android platform, reports

At the moment, the vast majority of our devices [for 2010] will be launched on the Android platform," Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha said. "We are engaged in exploring other options, but the vast majority will be Android."

The Droid carries a lot of Motorola's hopes on its back, the company having seen a 46 per cent drop in its year on year revenues. The company has made a concerted effort to slash operating costs, quite successfully (having saved around $700 million) and the massive media interest around its smartphone resurgence is expected to help Motorola recover much of its lost ground.

"With the launch of our new smartphones we have taken the first steps toward positioning ourselves to address the mobilisation of the internet and the growing demand for modern smartphones," Jha concludes.